The Fix

A gram of bliss clenched in his fist
Ticket punched to resist the malaise that persists
When you let the world tax you down
Face a frown, eyes to the ground, lifeless to those around always
Until that man with the baggie comes
What hes got will help you run
And hide
From everything but the sting
Dreams put away on a shelf to collect
Dust so long you can’t remember where they’ve gone
Or the place you once belonged
You’re ground down to the warning in a verse,
In a song gone wrong and not as strong as you thought when you sought to blot
It all out for just one moment
Just one bump, just one quick slip
Through the door in your arm to go with the flow
The hoes and the bros and the 20 to life county joes
But that ain’t you
You’re the one with the luck
You can duck but you can’t even tell when they’ve snuck
Into you the biggest lie of all
That the millions that jump in dont fall
They were the ones meant to crawl and the gall
To think that could be you, we thought you knew?
They say only the fools get the itch, twitch, and bitch
Destined for the ditch but you
You’re rich, you’ll stich, you can always flip the switch
Oh that feeling when they push it in
It floods every sin
Every whim, each time it begins again, a second wind that you’ve pinned
To the sight and the might of the first sunrise you ever saw
If that sight left you raw to gnaw
Looking through a straw
Forward now
Past the mention of pretention, the doubt and the clout you’ve given in
To a life burned down to the pegs
Varicose veined legs
One pair of socks that mock to get that rock
An old dirty gym bag full of rags that sags
With the weight of what once was
Until you can get your kicks
And transcend this mix
With just one more fix
Just one more fix

2 thoughts on “The Fix

    • “Be the death of me.” Here’s looking at you Mr. Reed.
      I was actually listening to that song last night then woke from an unnerving dream, it gave a smack (ha) of inspiration to put this down.
      Too many good people have followed this thing down the rabbit hole.

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